Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 2: Part 2

So I woke up today, sick as a dog. And when I'm sick, I HATE to do work. But I have a Psychology exam coming up tomorrow. So... wish me luck! I am a terrible procrastinator, especially when there are more interesting things to do... and I find ANYTHING more interesting than Psychology! *G*

My distraction is this: I want to learn how to play with sculpties in SL. (Ok, I want to learn to USE them.) I'm going to be trying a few different programs to see which i like best. I tried Wings 3D already... very cool but couldn't keep my attention: at the time I tried it after a few hours I got a lil impatient. But for those who want to check Wings out, Natalia has a great tutorial on her Blog. Actually that's a page of ALL her great tutorials. Check it out, I LOVE her blog, and her tutorials are VERY helpful.

Also, I had been exploring RP sims in SL, and I came across a Gorean sim. Naturally curious as I am, I did a bunch of research and talked to those involved. I learned a lot, and yesterday I found a blog from a RL gorean lifestyler. It was so interesting I have to share. Check it out Here. I promise you it's a REALLY interesting blog on a lifestyle not so many people have heard of. I don't endorse it one way or denounce it on the other. I am open to learning about other lifestyle choices than my own. I encourage anyone to check it out... it is very well written.

I was given a task, as punishment for being terrible at Simon Says. I had to find the origin of the game! Here are Links: 1 and2.Interesting, huh? :D

1 comment:

Squad 7 said...

Hello Di,

Welcome to the wacky world of SL Blogging. I'll get an invitition to you asap.
