Saturday, November 17, 2007

Day 11: incoherent

(Insert anecdotal story involving a spontaneous hour-long drive, Johnny Rocket's, being scared in a dark city WHEN DRUNKS HAVE ALREADY GONE TO BED, and a broken car when no one in the area is awake to tow. Than add on a long search for a random stranger willing to jump said car, and a drive back home, and arriving home at 5:30 AM.) I'm sorry I'm not coherent at this point, but the trip was quite a shining example of Murphy's Law. And I work today, in... under 5.5 hours. *cries a little* To top it all off, I'M NOT TIRED!! This indicates I will feel this little trip greatly in a few days, and will live off of coffee for at least the next two.

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