Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 1

This is my very first blog, so I'll be a typical newbie and give it a nondescript title. Would it drive you all crazy (as if there is a large population of folks reading this) if I labeled all my posts that way?

Now for the good stuff:
Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Di May. Well, that is my avatar's name in a game called Second Life. If you don't know what Second Life is (hereafter shortened to SL for abbreviations' sake) you can visit the website at It is what is considered in the online community to be a type of MMORPG... a Massively Multi player Online Role Playing Game. Basically, it is a community of... dare I say it... thousands of people sitting behind computers all over the world. We each have an avatar, or a character we play in the game. We have a choice of being in character, keeping our Real Life (RL) identity a complete mystery, or broadcasting our real selves to the whole (SL) world. I am one who separates SL and RL. Nonetheless, being a convicted SL addict, I know the world of SL as well as my own life. I have been a "resident" of SL for over a year. In that time my RL has changed just as dramatically as my Second Life has.

When I first explored SL (as I encourage anyone reading this to do) I was frustrated because it was hard to find real help for my problems. Now, I am an SL Mentor and I help make sure that new residents are welcomed with open arms. If you decide to come in and check it out... look me up! :)

Since I'm new to this, I'd love to know how many people are visiting my blog, so if you would please leave a brief comment, be it constructive criticism or just plain Hello, it would make my day! In the next few days, I want to show you all my many avatars... and tell you about my experiences as a Furry, a Neko, and many other characters my repertoire.

1 comment:

Wil "Draco" Neely said...

Interesting...a bit factual and informative. Need more color...more "SNAP!" - lol-- just kiddin di. For a name it could be the "Outsiders SL Manual"---lmao..... GIVE MORE BOUT WHATS GOIN' ON!!!!!! NEWS IS NEWS! THATS WHAT PEOPLE WANT IN A BLOG....! >:D< *HUGS*
