Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Reality Check.

So this summer, I'll be free on Monday and Tuesday, and perhaps Thursday. I'm going to try to set myself a reasonable goal of three posts a week. Let's see how I do with that. My life has been changing so fast it's hard to keep everything straight. I'm heading into my Senior year of college, and I'm terrified. I've also been trying to actively *green* my lifestyle. I know it's the trendy thing to do right now, but I'm doing it both for my health and enjoyment of life, knowing I'm not adding to any problem. I've also gone *mostly* vegetarian. I eat meat maybe once a week, and have been eating soy, eggs, etc as a healthy alternative protein. Also I have found that cutting dairy out of my diet as much as possible, my spring allergies have gotten better! Yay to less congestion! (Like you wanted to know that.) I'm also on a track to lose weight. I've been enjoying wonderful salads and smoothies these days, and the scale is reflecting my commitment! I had so much trouble keeping weight off in college, and I really needed this time to refocus myself onto a healthier track. Well, that just about sums up my Summer goals! More on that tomorrow and beyond!

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